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The United States Bankruptcy Appellate Panel of the Tenth Circuit (BAP) provides two online access tools. The PACER system (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) enables users to obtain, view, save, and print case records, and the CM/ECF system (Case Management/Electronic Case Filing) enables users to file documents electronically in cases pending before the Court.  At this time, the BAP does not accept electronic fee payments via CM/ECF.

With limited exemptions, all documents filed in this Court must be filed electronically using the BAP’s Electronic Case Filing (“ECF”) system.  Individuals not represented by an attorney (“pro se” litigants) may, but are not required to, file using the ECF system.  See 10th Cir. BAP L.R. 8001-1.  An attorney may seek by motion for good cause shown an exemption from mandatory electronic filing.  See 10th Cir. BAP L.R. 8001-2(a).  

Please use the links on the left to access PACER or CM/ECF.