The designated items of the record for purposes of Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 8009(a)(4) must be presented to this Court by the parties in the appendices as required by Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure 8015, 8018(b) and Tenth Circuit BAP Local Rule 8018-1. Specifically, an appendix must be separate from the brief, consecutively paginated, and contain the following items:
- Cover page containing the 1) case caption; 2) title “Appendix”, and 3) filing party’s name, and 4), counsel or pro se party’address, telephone number, and ECF e-mail address;
- Table of contents containing the following information for each document: 1) the full name of each document, the bankruptcy court docket number, if applicable, and the page number (each page in an appendix must have its own consecutive page number);
- Relevant entries in the bankruptcy court docket (a copy of the bankruptcy court docket)
- Complaint and answer, or other equivalent pleadings (i.e., motions)
- Judgment or order from which the appeal is taken
- Other orders, pleadings, findings, conclusions, or opinions relevant to the appeal
- Notice of appeal
- Any relevant transcript or portion of it that is necessary for this Court’s review
- Relevant exhibits that are part of the record on appeal and referred to in the brief
Any sealed documents must be contained in a separate volume of the appendix filed in the ECF system using the "Sealed Documents" category, or if exempt from ECF filing, in hard copy with a label on the cover stating that the document is to be filed under seal. See 10th Cir. BAP L.R. 8018-1(i).